This is a collection of the proposed rule chages that have been submitted to the ISF Technical Commission for consideration and possible inclusion in next years ISF Rule Book.

Further submissions may be sent to:

Proposal #1
From: Bill
Rule: All Rules
Change to:
The print font to "Courier" (fixed width), remove all tabs from the text, and use only American ASCII symbols.
Reason: To allow the electronic published version of the ISF Rule Book to be an exact copy of the print version.

Proposal #2
From: Bill
Rule: 410
Change to:

410     Disqualification
A competitor shall be disqualified if :
- There is a false start. A competitor is allowed one barge during the 
  qualification run and one during the final run. A second barge shall 
  lead to disqualification.
- The competitor does not stop the run when the starter gives the signal 
  for a false start.
- The opponent is obstructed by the competitor.
- There is a violation under rule 234
Reason: To capitalise the first character in each of the four sentences.

Proposal #3
From: Bill
Rule: 1006, 4th para
Change to:

To appear on the world combined ranking list a rider shall have points 
attributed in at least 4 carving competitions (DU, GS) and 4 freestyle 
competitions (HP, SS) over the previous 52 weeks.
Reason: To replace the word alpine with carving and to remove the un-needed word "HP"

Proposal #4
From: Bill
Rule: 108.01 para
Change to:

108.01 Only competitors in possesion of a valid membership from an ISF 
recognised National Snowboard Association (NSA) can enter ISF Competitions.
Each competitor shall be a member of a recognised ISF Professional 
Snowboarder Association (PSA) or shall be delegated by his NSA on the 
basis of Wild or Home Card".
Bill says; This allows the removal of the objectional 'passport' sentence and allows a rider to freely choose what goes in his 'NAT' column.

I think as a 'International' organisation we have to be very careful about discriminating against riders on the grounds of their country of birth or their nationality. (Likewise race, religion etc.)

As a snowboarder I also think it would be terribly wrong (not cool!) to ask another snowboarder to see his passport. What would I do if the rider had to admit he was a illegal immigrant? report him to the authorities? We are not the police but long haired dudes with baggy pants.

A better way can be taken from the international marine ship registration system where a ship maybe registered in any country that will accept the registration. Likewise a rider should be able to ride for whatever country he/she elects to if that country is willing to sell a membership.

Over the past several years Canada has sold memberships to rider's from many nations, (mostly young, probably illegal immigrants or visitors, temporarily residing in Canada), and will continue to do so. Any rider f rom anywhere in the world may apply to this office for a CAN licence at any time. Wojciech says; we add; "or to be delegated by his NSA on the basis of Wild or Home Card".